8 Reasons to Hire a Property Manager


1 Saves you time + headaches

Could you be using your time more wisely than being a landlord? It’s a commitment to track payments, schedule repairs and prepare the property for new tenants. Forgo the running around and give yourself the time to do something you’d rather be doing. 

2 Screens for AAA tenants

They can process the saturated market and evaluate for the best potential candidates. Running reference checks and verifying credit scores to ensure your investment is cared for.

3 Increases tenant retention

Not only will a property management company screen for quality tenants, but they are committed to providing excellent service. Addressing issues in a timely manner and resolving conflict is their job. Happy tenants can certainly help with keeping turnover low.

4 Manages the move-in + move-out

Scheduling the deep clean and repairs in between tenancies, exchanging the keys and conducting the initial and final inspections. Cross these off your list with a property management firm. 

5 Efficient rent collection

Don’t waste your time tracking down payments and calculating late penalties. A property management company has streamline systems to collect rent and can include direct deposit right into your account. They offer consistent and timely cash flow every time.

6 Invest in different markets

Toronto is a prime rental market. With a property management company, you don’t need to reside in the area you’re investing in. This gives you the freedom to invest from a far and watch your rental income grow.

8 Keeps relationship separate

Using a property management company helps keep the relationship between the landlord and tenant professional. Getting too personally involved can result in being too lenient on certain issues or too defensive about certain types of complaints.

Learn more about our suite of services at CLAVIS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT below!

LandlordsTrestin Yuen