Why Choose Us

How we rank amongst the top property management companies in Toronto.


Don’t be lost in a portfolio of 80,000 rental properties like some in our industry. Our nimble team knows our property owners and their investment needs, so we respond accordingly. Expect less red tape and more gold-standard, hassle-free service.


With a scan of the industry, you’ll notice large property management firms in the GTA cost between 8% - 15% of rental income. Our pricing is as low as 5.5% a month. We know that you are managing an investment and controlling costs are a necessity. It’s also why we have no ‘vacant unit fees’ or ‘tenant replacement charges.’


Key exchanges, inspections, managing service calls (to name a few) – it’s all included. No tiered pricing scheme based on limited offerings. When you work with us, we are committed 100%...not just until you hit you ‘Silver Package’ ceiling.