Can I Decorate My Rental Apartment?

With your new keys in hand, you’ve just become a new renter! Joining a diverse community of students, young professionals, and families too, you’re onto bigger more exciting things. Immediately, your mind races to decorating ideas:

What shall you do with the bedroom ? What furniture do you have to get to? How will you transform the empty but promising space, your home for the next few years, into something uniquely your own? 


But before you go drilling holes into walls or laying that trendy wallpaper you’ve been eyeing, here’s what we recommend.

The Rules to Decorating Your Rental

  1. Check your lease! No home decorating show starts with a read-aloud monologue listing the excitement that is a lease agreement. But, dig it out of your inbox. 

  2. Look for ‘Schedule A.’ Here is where you’ll find the details of the agreement between you and your landlord. 

  3. For drilling a nail to hang artwork, some leases will say “patch any holes in the walls at the end of the tenancy.” So if you hang anything, just remember to make those patches. 

    1. Tip : Keep extra paint so you can patch up with it!

  4. For painting or adding wallpaper, some leases might say: “not paint any part of the premises, or make any structural changes without written consent of the landlord.” We recommend speaking with your landlord first and then proceeding once you have the green light.

    1. Tip : neutral colours are usually the best way to go. If you want to do an accent wall or bold colours, you may be asked to repaint it when you move out. 

    2. Note : removing traditional wallpaper can be extremely difficult so watch out!

  5. As a general rule, speak with your landlord FIRST and obtain written permission before anything happens. 


If you’re still feeling anxious about making any damages or changes, consider adding personality with accessories - bedding, pillows, plants. If you’re still determined to have something on the wall, consider leaning the artwork or mirrors.

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