My Maintenance Request is Taking Too Long!

After a long day at work, you arrive home, only to notice that your oven has stopped working, ruining dinner plans for the evening. You send off an email to your landlord, explaining the situation, and wait for a response. Soon after, your landlord sends someone by to have a look. They've determined a new part is necessary, but after a few weeks, your oven still hasn't been fixed. What gives?


It's frustrating when repairs take longer than expected. The timeline for any repair can vary based on the current demand for that service, how complicated the repair is, and whether any additional parts or materials need to be ordered. While it's always in the best interests of landlords and property managers to alleviate maintenance issues as soon as possible, their resources to resolve the issue can be strained from time to time.


Demand For Services

 The demand for certain services ebbs and flows throughout the year. For example, in the height of summertime, your AC repair may take longer than expected due to the high demand of HVAC technicians. When services are in high demand, try to notify your landlord as soon as you notice the deficiency and provide as many details as possible. Send photos of the issue, if applicable, and let them know your availability over the next few weeks for maintenance visits. With these extra details, your landlord can schedule a repair more efficiently, without needing to consult you for further details in between steps.


The Intricacy of the Repair

 Of course, some repairs are more straightforward than others. For example, if your towel holder has fallen off the wall, that can usually be repaired in one visit. However, if you find that there's no warm water in your bathroom, for example, this may be a lengthier process, as further investigations of the water lines may be necessary to diagnose the specific issue. Once again, providing information, photos, and availability will help expedite processes in which further investigations or more complex solutions are necessary.


Availability of Parts and Materials

 Sometimes, a repair may be straightforward, but the materials or parts needed to complete the repair are far and few between. This can typically occur with plumbing, building, and appliance repairs. Parts and/or materials may need to be shipped out from an external source or even backordered, adding unfortunate delays to the maintenance timeline. In the meantime, try asking your landlord whether there is a temporary solution that may be explored.


Keep in Touch

If your maintenance request is taking longer than usual to resolve and you're unsure why, it's worth asking your landlord what steps they have taken and any delays they are currently facing. Exercising patience while keeping each other informed during the maintenance process is beneficial for both parties, and can help alleviate any further delays.


Kira Cox