Ways To Reduce Your Hydro Bill

There are a number of factors that contribute toward your monthly bill. Some simple solutions can help reduce your electricity usage and, more importantly, costs!


Turn off the Lights

Whenever possible, switch off any lights not in use and use natural light during the day.

Use Task Lighting

Instead of lighting up the room, use table lamps or under counter lights for specific areas.

Change Your bulbs

LED bulbs are more efficient with energy consumption and thus longevity.

Unplug Unused Electronics

Stand-by power can account for 10% of your electricity use. Unplug anything not in use.

Turn off A/C or heating when not home

We know it’s nice to return to a comfortable home, but switch off the heating/cooling when you’re not home.


Employ window coverings

Block the morning / afternoon sun during the summer to keep the apartment slightly cooler.

Switch appliances

If possible, use a microwave, crockpot or toaster oven as smaller appliances use energy than bigger ovens.

Air Dry dishes

When using the dishwasher, use the air dry setting or leave the door open to naturally dry the dishes after their wash cycle.

Wash laundry in cold

If you’re not already doing so, change the temperature to cold water. Water heating consumes 90% of the energy needed to operate washing machine, according to Hydro One.

TenantsJeffrey Cheng