My A/C Isn't Working!


The sunny weather burst onto the forecast all of sudden in Toronto. The temperature in your apartment is too warm and uncomfortable. You turn on the air conditioning and it’s not working…

There’s a chance it’s not just your unit or the A/C itself. Rather, it could be the building.

Especially this time of year (April / May), it’s common for apartment building’s to have not yet switched over from heating to cooling. In the winter, buildings turn off A/C and instead only provide heating. Then some time in the spring, they turn off heating and provide A/C.

By law, landlords must provide heating from September 15 to June 1st. However, as warmer temperatures begin earlier in the year, the lack of A/C can get a little unbearable.


We suggest speaking with your building’s office or concierge first and ask when their scheduled changeover date is. We’ve seen many offices schedule the changeover sooner as more and more residents raise this concern.

If the changeover has already happened and still nothing, we suggest

(1) Asking the building superintendent to pay a visit. They can perform basic troubleshooting.

(2) If unsuccessful, speak with your landlord about having a technician make the appropriate repair.

As we spend more times in our homes, we deserve to feel comfortable and A/C during Toronto heat-waves is certainly one of the ways.